If you haven’t seen Chow Yun Fat’s Hard-Boiled, you’re probably wondering why he would be carrying both a shotgun and a baby on the movie poster. Last night was my first time watching this movie, and I must admit that it was completely ridiculous, but totally AWESOME! For those of you who are not in the know, this film pretty much defined HK action cinema as a genre, and elevated John Woo’s slow-mo gunplay to a form of art. Forget the fact that their M92Fs can fire hundreds of rounds without reloading. Forget the crazy premise of an illegal arms cache behind the morgue. Does it really matter? The movie was a masterpiece of bad-ass action, down to the final scene when Chow Yun Fat swings out of a hospital as it burst into flames to rescue the last baby from the labor ward (even though the baby looks waaay too big for a newborn). Anyway, it was a perfect complement to our Pan-Asian food fest in NYC this past weekend, which started with steaming ramen from the food court at Mitsuwa marketplace in NJ, followed by cold dungeoness crab, abalone soup, and fried frog legs at Ping’s Seafood, and finished with lunch buffet at Brick Lane Curry House. Hmmm, I’m getting hungry just writing about it.