Pride, Preparations, & Power

We had little time to unpack before Melody had to leave for her redeye that same evening, leaving Westley and me to fend for ourselves for several days. Fortunately, I was able to make the Pioneer School assembly to watch him get the Perry’s Pride award for reading the most books in 1st grade during their recent Read-a-thon. Still overcoming jetlag, I spent the past few weeks editing the plethora of photos and videos from Australia, while also preparing for our upcoming trip to Japan. We went to Davis High School’s Japan Day event and practiced origami and hiragana to get us hyped up for the trip. Unfortunately, we could not book some attractions in time, like the Ghibli Museum, despite our efforts using a Tokyo VPN and recruiting a local friend to get tickets. At work, I was excited to learn that we got both the FFB Translational Research Acceleration Program and USDA NIFA grants on our second attempt. Between preparing manuscripts, talks, and posters, I met with many eager students looking for summer research opportunities while juggling busy call nights and clinical trial shenanigans. I found some respite on weekends disappearing into Liurnia of the Lakes while Westley worked on Legos and his Mega Cyborg Hand. I also started season 2 of the White Lotus, which with a mostly new cast, felt refreshing like a new vacation. At home, we finally completed our new SunPower project and Wallbox installation, just in time for my i4 that was assigned a production number today. After waiting nearly 6 months, I’m looking forward to finally getting the new car.

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