Lion, Tiger, and Wolf

In preparation for Chinese New Year, we had our house deep cleaned, knives sharpened, and piano tuned as Westley began taking piano lessons at Music Stream Center. This meant also investing in a Koncept desk lamp and All Modern table lamp to improve the illumination in our music room. At work, I kept busy reviewing abstracts and sessioning for ARVO’s annual meeting, while also planning a COHA workshop and prepping research manuscripts. With Melody also busy with the upcoming LCME visit, we kept my birthday low key with breakfast in bed, Uniboil for lunch, and Blue House BBQ for dinner, where Westley’s wheel spin scored us a future free lunch. For our lunar NYE dinner, we shared a fresh steamed Nile perch and our usual spread of Cantonese seafood, which was delicious despite the slow weeknight service. Peregrine School organized lion dances to celebrate the Year of the Tiger, which Melody and I were able to join in for fun. We had little time to celebrate our lunar birthdays, however, as I had to fly to Dallas the following weekend to learn a new suprachoroidal delivery system. The overnight trip turned into a 2-night stay as weather-related flight cancellations wreaked havoc on my itinerary. I took the extra time to check out the giant eyeball art installation downtown, and dine on surprisingly excellent gumbo and crawfish etouffee at DFW’s Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen. I got back in time for Westley’s weekly swim class and COVID testing, as we prepare to indulge in our new Wolf oven and celebrate his actual birthday next week.

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