Taking Hits

The start of kindergarten for Westley meant new routines and new classmates. Our decision to move him into a Chinese-immersion class also meant a new language, which he thankfully adjusted to without much drama. One of the themes this month was the moon and moon cakes. Although our search for a nut-free version proved more difficult than expected, one of his classmate’s mom stepped in to show off her baking skills. On weekends, we underwent asymptomatic screening more regularly due to the rise of the COVID delta variant. We also took advantage of the final days of the Manor Pool to reinforce his swimming lessons. Having promised to get him a bigger bed if he stayed dry for a week, we kept our word and shopped for twin bookcase beds, despite his regressing after the 7-day streak. With our outdoor kitchen project finally commencing, we also spent time in our yards trimming maples, replacing plants, and adding more propagated kurapia. The extra trimmings weighed down our organics trash bin, and took off Melody’s toe nail as collateral damage. Westley also had his share of bumps and scrapes from kindergarten. While recovering, we explored the first few chapters of IO Interactive’s Hitman anthology. Its unique stealth assassination mechanism emphasized problem-solving and creativity in a refreshing way, but was slightly mature for our 5-year-old. He instead took up domino art as inspired by a recent documentary, and befriended our neighbor’s affection-seeking cat. As the only uninjured family member, I tackled home electronics upgrades with a new soundbar, 4K projector, and wifi extender. The setup let us watch the new Paw Patrol movie while backyard camping last week. Hopefully, the outdoor kitchen will be ready in time for the cooler fall weather.

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