ARVO in Vancouver

This year’s ARVO meeting took us back to Vancouver, where it has been less than a year since I last visited with my family for ASRS. I arrived Sunday afternoon, and made my way directly to Xi’an Cuisine in Richmond, only to find that my favorite purveyor of spicy wontons and cold noodles were gone for the week. Feeling defeated, I dragged my luggage next door to Xin Jiang Delicious Food for solid beef noodle soup, then to Silkway Halal Cuisine for flavorful goat soup and spicy Xinjiang-style braised chicken with broad noodles. After checking into my hotel, I networked at a reception at the Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and hung out with friends at the Harvard reception before calling the night. I kept busy between scientific sessions on Monday, briefly sneaking away for Marutama Ramen, and ending the evening with a clinician-scientist dinner sponsored by Alcon at L’abbatoir, followed by drinks at the SERI reception. I spent Tuesday by my poster, pleasantly surprised by the mounting interest in our work, attended my post-doc Sook’s talk, and became acquainted with the AMPC as a new member. The soup dumplings at Dinesty were worth the trip, but the Cantonese seafood at Kirin was not as good as I remembered. Wednesday was more relaxed, which gave me a chance to do some video interviews and podcast recordings, revisit Long’s for more soup dumplings, and return to Richmond with my friend Yao for pineapple buns, tofu fa, and Taiwanese beef noodle soup. I spent Thursday morning strolling along the harbor to Stanley Park, but cabbed back to catch my technician Iris’ talk, followed by a lab celebration over aburi sushi at Miku and Akbar Mashti (saffron, rosewater, pistachio) gelato at Bella Gelateria. My return flight was delayed by a mechanical issue that made me miss my connection, but I was thankful for the Priority Pass credit at Yankee Pier for some chowder and crab roll during my SFO layover. While I was underwhelmed by many of the restaurants I revisited on this second trip to Vancouver, the scientific exchange at the meeting was satisfying, and I returned home excited to continue our research. 

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