Halloween Fever

We took Westley out to the Sacramento Reptile Show and Grandpa’s Barn earlier this month, where he continued to demonstrate his affinity for animals, but only if viewed safely from a distance. My parents also visited us to help with the baby. Fortunately, we got our renovations completed in time for their arrival, and they were able to enjoy the new guest bathroom, as we transitioned Westley to his new bathroom at the same time. Melody was out of town for two conferences, so they got to bond with him – blowing bubbles, exploring nearby parks, teaching him Cantonese, and watching Planet Earth II together. They also helped with pick-up and drop-off at daycare, watched him pick his first pumpkin, and joined his school’s Fall Festival parade. Meanwhile, Melody and I were able to take some breaks over more Zelda and another season of Game of Thrones. We even got to dine out at new restaurants like Sarang Bang and Localis, where we enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and creative cooking from bar seats overlooking the open kitchen. Last week, while wildfires were consuming parts of nearby Napa valley, Westley had a bout of fevers which made him more irritable. Fortunately, his symptoms abated by Halloween, and we were able to send him back to daycare in his monkey costume. With my parents manning candy duty at home, we took him on a tricycle ride around the neighborhood to visit our friends. At this age, Westley is really peaking on the “cuteness”-meter now.

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