New Discoveries

Our bathroom remodel continued to drag on, as the whole project began to feel as if it were cursed. With our bathtub cracked on delivery, a medicine cabinet that could not be installed, vanity handles with the wrong length, scratches on our marble counter, crooked bathroom mirror, and many, many delays from the contractors, it felt like everything was going wrong. Half of our home remained covered with plastic sheets and we had not had our house cleaned in almost 3 months, which further aggravated the dirt and chaos generated by our 19-month old. Last week, after helping to organize a site visit from the NEI director, my wife and I took a short trip to San Jose to attend my fellow Parisa’s wedding. We would’ve liked to see more of our first Persian wedding, but the sun was shining directly into our eyes. Dinner was an interesting introduction to Persian cuisine and music, but we left early to relieve my in-laws back home. This weekend, we took Westley out to the Farm to Fork Festival, where we checked out the various booths and food trucks, and snacked on grilled oysters, blueberry gelato, and an “OG” burger with pork belly, fried egg, and kale chips. Westley enjoyed all the samples, especially the goat milk, but was more tentative with the goat petting. Back home, we watched the premiere of the new Star Trek Discovery, a prequel to the original series featuring a new cast, new ships, new races, and a whole new look that got us plenty excited.

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