My first week here in Baltimore has failed to meet even my already-low expectations. The interior of my dorm room is reminiscent of a prison, with its exposed cinder block walls, metal bed frame, vinyl mattress, and white sheets. It also didn’t help that my floor is single-sex with common showers like a men’s locker room. Meanwhile, my dining options have also been limited. On my first day here, the hospital cafeteria served sloppy joe. The following day, they had beef macaroni which looked suspiciously like sloppy joe with elbows. Since I still haven’t found a dorm fridge to buy, my diet so far has consisted mainly of Subway sandwiches. The main issue is that the hospital is surrounded by the most dangerous neighborhood in the city. I can’t even cross the street in any direction without risking my wallet or my life. On the bright side, the faculty and house officers here have all been great, and I’ve been learning tons. Nevertheless, I’ll definitely need to get out of the city for the upcoming long weekend.
So sad to hear that you haven't the best of time in Baltimore. Being here for three years, let's just say that my fiance has kept me sane most of the time. In any case, give me a ring – I'll be free this week.