Raving Glenny

Despite spending most of my last 12 months working with patients in hospitals, it’s been a long while since I’ve actually gotten sick. Who knew then, that on the eve before the last day of my Neuro Sub-I, that I would catch a cold – from a resident! With all the fatigue and muscle aches, I couldn’t even stay awake through Shakespeare on the Commons this year. The unique rendition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream combined multi-color, psychedelic fairies with the hilarious antics of Bottoms and his company, which made for a thoroughly enjoyable experience… for other people. Now, as I sit here with my brain toasting with a fever of 101.5, I think I’ll just stay in this weekend, and shoot some bunny rabbids – thanks to my friends at OTBmods. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!.

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