
If there were a movie that was made for us, it would be Ratatouille. Reason #1: it’s about food. And yes, we love food. Reason #2: it’s about a rat. And not just any rat, a rat with a morbidly obese brother. (Sound familiar?) Watching this movie last weekend brought back fond memories of our two furry little friends, and our common love for food. The film was extremely well done, funny and heart-warming, proving once again that Pixar sets the standard in 3D animation. For lunch, we checked out the Boston Chowderfest, part of the annual Harborfest festival. The chowdaa there, however, were clearly out-classed by those we tried in Newport 2 years ago. We nevertheless had fun collecting free samples and enjoying the beautiful weather. Otherwise, the rest of my summer break was spent tuning up the new computer and finally completing my photo album for London. A selection of the pics are now up on my travel page. Enjoy!

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